In September the Amsterdam-based journalist and entrepreneur Stephanie Broek and her partner Younes became first-time parents to daughter Olive. We were eager to meet the three, to hear how this big addition to their life has come to transform their views.

We heard that you two met at university. Tell us your love story, when did it all begin?
SB: We met 14 years ago in Utrecht. Younes was studying Psychology, I was a Journalism student. We met through mutual friends. We were both too shy to make the first move until my friend told his friend that I liked him (which I didn't know about until later). However, in the end, it worked, and Younes asked me on a date. Today, Younes works in National security and I developed my own business. And, here we are now with Olive in our arms.

Little Olive is truly adorable, warmest congratulations! How have becoming parents conditioned the way you prioritize?
SB: Thank you so much! She truly is our biggest treasure. Our biggest priority is of course Olive, to keep her content and healthy in all ways. For us parents, one thing that especially saves us time and effort is that we have wardrobes that are timeless. Since she arrived in our lives, we definitely have found ourselves opting for more comfortable gear for practical reasons. For me, flat shoes instead of heels for our daily walks. YO: During this season of colder weather, it is all about big knits that hug her gently when we hold her. Everything we do is to keep her warm and safe.

Have curated, lasting styles always been crucial to you, or is it something that has become important later on?
SB: We were so young when we met and really grew up together. When we met, we wore more colors and more patterns. Then, we finished our education, started internships, and got our first jobs. Nowadays we both have found versatile uniforms that we invest in. I love menswear paired with feminine elements such as long dresses. Our investment pieces always work, and I love to borrow pieces from Younes.YO: Style-wise we also grew together. We have always liked to express ourselves through clothes. I prefer a wide silhouette. Pieces that can be worn interchangeably. Accessories, outerwear, and shoes transform my looks from day to night, formal or informal. For me, it’s all about footwear. I collect Nike Air Max, Salomon, and New Balance.

"Nowadays we both have found versatile uniforms that we invest in."

Stephanie wearing the khaki ELIN Coat. Younes is wearing the black KARIN Coat.
You speak about investment pieces, what is an investment to you, and why are they important?
SB: It is a quality garment that I can see myself wearing for years, a piece that I make sure to take care of and give a long life to. It saves me time and makes me feel like myself no matter when or where I go. Like all of my La Collection pieces, without a doubt. They will last and are still timeless even when Olive is big enough to wear them. I hope she will love the Virginia blazer dress as much as I do. I’ve worn it countless times and I always feel chic in it. I also wore it when I was pregnant with her so seeing her wear it would be a very full-circle moment.